On April 1, 2024, the Government of Vietnam has just approved the plan to implement the National Electricity Development Plan for the period 2021 – 2030.

On April 1, 2024, the Government of Vietnam has just approved the plan to implement the National Electricity Development Plan for the period 2021 – 2030

The implementation plan has just been approved at the time when the electricity market is receiving attention due to the urgent need for decisive policies to ensure adequate electricity supply for Vietnam, extremely when the peak season of electricity demand is coming.

The development of key energy sources have been clearly identified in the previous PDP 8

Domestic gas thermal power capacity reaching 14,930 MW; LNG thermal power capacity totaling 22,400 MW; coal-fired power capacity summing up to 30,127 MW; cogeneration power sources, utilizing residual heat, blast furnace gas, and by-products of the technology line with a combined capacity of 2,700 MW; hydropower capacity amounting to 29,346 MW; and pumped storage hydropower capacity totaling 2,400 MW.

Local and regional renewable energy capacity projections and power project compilation by 2030: The collective offshore wind power capacity stands at 6,000 MW; Onshore wind power capacity (both onshore and nearshore) amounts to 21,880 MW; Hydropower capacity reaches 29,346 MW; Biomass power capacity totals 1,088 MW; Electricity generated from waste totals 1,182 MW; Rooftop solar power capacity (for self-production and consumption) sees an increase of 2,600 MW; Battery storage capacity sums up to 300 MW.

Additional power sources anticipated by 2030

An anticipated development of 300 MW in flexible power sources is planned, with a priority on areas facing potential shortages in reserve capacity. Leveraging existing power grid infrastructure is key. Furthermore, an estimated import of approximately 5,000 MW of electricity from Laos is projected based on the agreement has been signed between two countries, with the potential to increase to 8,000 MW under favorable conditions and reasonable electricity prices, aiming to capitalize on Laos’ potential as an export power source. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will submit reports to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making regarding import policies and synchronized grid connection plans for each specific project.

Renewable energy sources for export and new energy production are as follows:

Areas with the potential to export electricity abroad include the Central and Southern regions. Export capacity ranges from 5,000 MW to 10,000 MW with feasible projects. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will report to competent authorities to review and decide on electricity export policies and synchronized grid connection plans for each specific case, in accordance with legal provisions.

Utilizing renewable energy for producing new energy types (such as green hydrogen, green ammonia) to meet domestic and export demands is prioritized. Development focuses on areas with favorable renewable energy potential and adequate power grid infrastructure. The target development scale aims to reach 5,000 MW, primarily from offshore wind power. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will report and recommend to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making on each specific project once technological feasibility and cost assessments are completed. The capacity of renewable energy sources for producing new energy is not included in the structure of power sources supplying loads to the national electricity system.

The implementation plan is expected to strongly boost energy investment activities after a long, uncertain period, while ensuring the national energy goals set by the government are met.

Source: baochinhphu.vn